About Me

Stories are my passion.

It’s been my dream to be an author ever since I was 18. I’ve spent years practicing and forging my writing style. I’ve written fanfictions, journals, essays, newspaper articles — I write because it’s what I love. But of all the things I write, what I love most are stories. And I want to share my stories with others.

Finally, after years of work (with plenty of laziness mixed in), my dream is becoming a reality. I’ve even made my own little business — can you believe it? 😋

Here, at Holdenhart Fiction, you will find information and updates about all my current and on-going writing projects. I am very happy to say that I have a lot of story ideas that I look forward to creating and sharing. I just have to get around to finding the time to do so. . . . Oh well. Slowly but surely, you know?


My website logo was designed by Kiborg-Graph, who I found on Deviantart.com.